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6th International Trade Fair 2015
Dharma Arts and Crafts participated in the 6th International Trade Fair from 4th to 8th September 2016. It was solely intended for wider publicity and to showcase our products made by our own Bhutanese artisans to preserve and promote ou.. » Read More
Sep 18, 2015    News    admin   1175 views   
Royal visit
The 10th of March 2015 marks the historic visit of His Majesty the King and Gyaltsuen to Dharma Arts and Crafts at Bjemina Industrial Estate. The Royal visit brought on us, immense pride and happiness to cherish all through our life. The.. » Read More
Mar 17, 2015    News    admin   1118 views   
Casting of 5 feet - Zhabdrung at Dharma in Bjemina
On 30/10/2014, His Excellency the Prime Minister of Bhutan and HH Dorji Lopen of Zhung Dratshang accompanied by other senoir government officals and heads of religious institution gathered at Dharma Arts and Crafts in Bjemina to witness .. » Read More
Oct 07, 2014    News    admin   1237 views   
29 Bronze statues installed in Mithrukpa Lhakhang
Religion: Standing on top of a ridge and surrounded by snowcapped mountains, the newly built Mithrukpa lhakhang of Gasa dzong is now home to 29 new bronze sta.. » Read More
Sep 03, 2014    News    admin   1244 views   
Exploited Labour Exposure?
Labour officials in Samdrupjongkhar have taken a bold decision.  They have warned companies in Samdrupjongkhar and Pemagatshel for not regularising temporary workers, who had been working for more than six ye.. » Read More
Jun 05, 2014    News    admin   1241 views   
What ails entrepreneurial development?
A BOiC workshop tries to diagnose the malaise and come up with possible prescriptions for a cure Analysis: Over 1,456 men and women between the ages of 18 and 35 were provided entrepreneurial traini.. » Read More
Jun 03, 2014    News    admin   1159 views   
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